Climate Change Adaptive Implementation Assessment Proposal for Local Governments Utilizing Vulnerability Index

Climate Change Adaptive Implementation Assessment Proposal for Local Governments Utilizing Vulnerability Index
기후변화 적응, 적응대책 이행평가, climate change adaptation, vulnerability assessment, adaptation policy, VESTAP, forest disaster prevention
Issue Date
20180301 ~ 20181231
Journal of Forest and Environmental Science Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 47-53, March, 2019
This study applies the concept of climate change vulnerability assessment in order to suggest climate change adaptation effects in a quantitative manner, given that previous studies have hitherto rely on qualitative assessment, as climate change adaptive policies are currently being implemented by local governments of Korea. The vulnerability assessment tool used in this study is VESTAP (“Vulnerability assESsment Tool to build a climate change Adaptation Plan”), which was developed by the Korea Adaptation Center for Climate Change (KACCC), and applied to gauge the vulnerability of pine trees to diseases and pests within Chungcheongnam-do. The climate change adaptation project for vulnerability improvement was assessed only in terms of forest disaster prevention and change in regional climate change vulnerabilities within 16 regions of Chungcheongnam-do as the result of 2016 Climate Change Adaptation Project (Forest Disaster Prevention Project). As a result, it was observed that climate change adaptive capacity has improved according to change in the area of forestland with disaster prevention, and the vulnerability indicator decreased, confirming the impact of the climate change adaptation (forest disaster prevention) project. Also, analysis of regional climate change adaptation project scales and change in vulnerabilities allowed us to determine the regional propriety of climate change adaptation (forest disaster prevention) projects launched in 2016.
[Abstract] Introduction Current Status of Climate Change Adaptive Policies and Progression in Developed Countries National Climate Change Adaptation Plan and Progress Evaluation System Local Government Climate Change Adaptation Plan Assessment System and Related Issues Method and Application - Climate Change Vulnerability - VESTAP (Vulnerability assESsment Tool to build a climate change Adaptation Plan) - Assessment of Pine Tree Vulnerability to Diseases and Pests Results and Discussion [Reference]

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