This paper attempts to make the connection between the theory of sustainability and the practice of urban design. In doing so it draws from a wide body of literature to establish ten universal principles of sustainable urban design. In linking theory to practice consideration is given to how these principles impact across the range of different spatial scales: building, space, quarter and settlement-wide. The paper concludes by briefly examining how more sustainable patterns of design might be delivered and by whom.
In the UK the sustainable dimension of urban design has steadily emerged. Many ideas about the interpenetration of town and country, for example, can be traced back to the pioneers of the planning movement like Howard, Geddes and Unwin, as can notions of local social and economic sustainability.
Nevertheless, the recent proliferation of writing on concepts of sustainable development has firmly shifted the urban design agenda towards broader environmental concerns. As with planning, the sustainable agenda is giving the discipline a new and broadly accepted legitimacy.
- 이후 생략
❍ 행사명 : 창조적 도청이전 신도시 조성방안에 관한 국제심포지엄
❍ 일 시 : 2008. 1. 23 ~ 25
❍ 장 소 : 충남 예산군 덕산 스파캐슬
❍ 주 최 : 충청남도
❍ 주 관 : 한국도시설계학회, 충남발전연구원
❍ 발표 및 토론자 : 21명(주제발표 10, 토론자 11)
- 초청대상국(6명) : 유럽(2), 미국(2), 아시아(2)
❍ 참석대상 : 200명 정도
- 지사님, 지역 국회의원, 도의회 의장, 도 의원, 홍성․예산군수, 홍성․예산군의회 의장
- 건설교통부 국장급, 건설관련분야 공무원